Indonesia: Impact of El Nino: Students Perform Prayers Asking for Rain to Fall Soon by Kuncoro Widyo Rumpoko
A number of students and teachers perform Istisqa prayers in congregation at Junior High School 17 in Jaticempaka, Pondok Gede, Bekasi City, Indonesia. The sunnah prayer was carried out as an effort to ask for immediate rain in the midst of the long dry season which is currently hitting a number of regions in Indonesia, including the city of Bekasi. The sunnah prayer was carried out as an effort to ask for immediate rain in the midst of the long dry season, which is currently hitting a number of regions in Indonesia, including the city of Bekasi.
A number of students and teachers perform Istisqa prayers in congregation at Junior High School 17 in Jaticempaka, Pondok Gede, Bekasi City, Indonesia. The sunnah prayer was carried out as an effort to ask for immediate rain in the midst of the long dry season which is currently hitting a number of regions in Indonesia, including the city of Bekasi. The sunnah prayer was carried out as an effort to ask for immediate rain in the midst of the long dry season, which is currently hitting a number of regions in Indonesia, including the city of Bekasi.
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