NYC: ACT UP 30th Anniversary march and rally by Erik McGregor
Hundreds gathered on a rally at the AIDS Memorial on West 12th Street, New York City to celebrate ACT UP 30th Anniversary, followed by a march around the West Village to the open plaza in Union Square at East 17th Street.
New York - On March 30, 2017; hundreds gathered on a rally at the AIDS Memorial on West 12th Street, New York City to celebrate ACT UP 30th Anniversary, followed by a march around the West Village to the open plaza in Union Squareat East 17th Street.
30 YEARS OF ACTING UP TO END AIDS envisions a country and a world free of AIDS in the next generation. Our demands fall under the following broad issue themes:
-Ending the AIDS pandemic
-Defending and expanding access to health care and coverage
-Fighting for affordable HIV and hepatitis C drug prices and access
-Finding a cure for HIV/AIDS
-Defending the human rights of all oppressed communities in ending the AIDS crisis
-Ending HIV criminalization laws
At the 30 YEARS OF ACTING UP TO END AIDS action we will commit ourselves to resisting the current political environment based on fear-mongering, bigotry, and the disenfranchisement of vulnerable people, including people living with HIV and hepatitis C. We are still united in anger against policies that undermine people’s right to health care, and we embrace the new tidal wave of resistance and activism to re-commit to an end to AIDS in this generation!
Co-Supporters Include:
Lambda Legal
Housing Works
Antiviolence Project
Make the Road NY
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
Bailey House
TWOCC: Trans Women of Color Collective
TAG: Treatment Action Group
Health GAP: Global Access Project
Latino Commision on AIDS
Metro New York Health Care For All
AREA: The American Run for the End of AIDS
Rise and Resist